Automated a new million bushel bin expansion with 25k bph receive/reclaim system and 32k bi-directional fill transfer system and added remote scale house control. The new receiving system to million bushel bin utilizes the bi-directional fill conveyor. Product can also be transferred to the new bin using the two existing bins over the bi-directional fill conveyor. The bi-directional also allows them to reclaim product to five of the existing bins.
Complete retrofit and upgrade of existing PLC and HMI automation system. Updated existing PLC, improving system functionality, efficiency, and safety while simplifying the entire system operation. Our commodity assignment feature was added to help mitigate cross-contamination of products.
New receive pit and leg to fill existing bins. The new receive system consisted of a receiving pit, leg and overhead transfer auger. The new leg could fill either the two existing bins or be transferred over to the existing wet bin or feed mill storage. Reclaiming from the two existing bins was accommodated by using a transfer auger to the new leg.
New Receive pit, 10 k bu/hr leg and quad bins added. Added in a new receive conveyor with a plow to handle the different commodities that are used for feed. The new grain leg has the ability to feed the new quad bins, existing quad bins and the ingredient bins for the feed mill.
Automated existing receive system. Automated part of the existing receive system to improve system functionality, efficiency, and safety while simplifying the receive operation. Our commodity assignment feature was added to help mitigate cross-contamination of products.
Automate a triple roll mill with feed roll and roll gap control. Able to start the mill and reclaim system all from one screen. The mill is able to start milling when a low level is hit in the destination bin and will stop milling when the high level is hit. Improved efficiency by controlling the flow of product to the mill.
New receive pit and 8k bu/hr leg added to fill existing bins. A new receive pit and leg were added to fill 4 existing bins. Reclaim functions were added to reclaim from 6 different bin and utilize the new leg that was installed to load trucks.